Tuesday, August 31, 2010

BAR To Be Rescheduled

Thank you to all the racers who signed up to show your support of the Bushwhack Adventure Race, and those who shared with us your reasons for why you are not able to race on the Sep 18-19th dates. It's clear that the desire is there, but those dates just don't work for most. As a result, we're officially postponing the BAR. Those who registered will get their entry fees back shortly.

The Bushwhack Adventures crew will take some time in the next few weeks to review what we accomplished this year and start planning for 2011. As racers, if you have some feedback about what kind of events (short vs long) you'd like to see, or what months you'd you'd like to race in, or where you'd like to see races held, please let us know. You can email info@gobushwhack.com. We'll also try to get some polls posted online soon.

Thanks for racing!

Don Childrey
and the Bushwhack Adventures crew!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Crunch Time!

Ok Racers, it's crunch time. Time to put your money where your mouth is. Saturday (the day after tomorrow), will be just three weeks away from race day for the Bushwhack Adventure Races (24 hr and 8 hr). There are only two teams signed up for the 24 hr course and none for the 8 hr. Maybe everyone is raced out this year? Maybe that's just a bad weekend? Whatever the reason, we've got to draw a line in the sand and decide whether to push forward with these events, or postpone them.

Here's the line you have to meet - if we don't have 75 racers registered by 5pm on Tuesday, Aug 31, we're going to postpone these races. The new date will most likely be in 2011. If we don't meet this goal, all paid registrations will be refunded. The goal of 75 racers is a total between both the 24 and 8 hour courses. Note that the Confirmed status on Checkpoint Tracker is a setting I have to make manually, so that indicator of the current count may be delayed in being updated. I'll do my best to keep it accurate.

What are we going to do?

Monday, August 23, 2010

ISO Teammates?

Are you in search of a teammate(s) for the Bushwhack Adventure Race? Post a comment below and let others know you're looking for teammate(s), tell them a little about your race goals (to have fun, to give it your best shot, to win, etc), and give them a way to contact you. Good luck!

Monday, July 26, 2010

BAR10 Location Announced!!

If you were smart enough to google Tom Dooley and learn where he was from, you probably guessed that we've been looking at the W. Kerr Scott Reservoir and associated trail systems to be part of the BAR10 event. If not, then I just told you where it was. :)

More specifically, the Start/Finish location for BAR10 will be at the Dark Mountain Trailhead parking field at the W. Kerr Scott Dam, just west of Wilkesboro, NC. Click this link to see a Google map centered on this location.

We're finalizing plans to start the 24 hour race between 11am and noon on Saturday Sep18th. That should give many racers the chance to drive in that morning. For those coming from further away, there are campgrounds nearby, as well as hotels in Wilkesboro. There will not be any camping provided on Friday night. The Start/Finish location is not a campground, but there is potable water there and we'll bring in some portajohns. Racers will only spend a little bit of time there. We have lots of course planned for you, and that's where you'll spend most of your time!

We'll get more details posted soon for the gear list, rules, and schedule, but expect the normal things for a Bushwhack Adventures race - nothing unusual should end up on these.

No bike drops or boat drops will be required. No support team is needed. You will need to bring your own boats (canoe or kayak). Come to the Start/Finish with your teammates, gear, perseverance, stamina, and your readiness for another Bushwhack Adventure!

Registration is now open!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

ISO Flag Mgmt Team

Bushwhack Adventures is looking for a team of adventure racers to assist with hanging and retrieving CP flags for the BAR10. This "team" should consist of at least two people, but can have more. In return, the team members will each earn 24 hours of race credit towards future Bushwhack Adventures races.

Like any racing team, there should be at least one capable navigator on the team. Any locations for flags to be hung will be pre-marked for precision. The team can expect to be out on the course during the race, even during the night. As officially-racing teams exit from a section of the course, this flag mgmt team can retrieve the flags from that section. Not all sections will be available to be retrieved before the 24 hour race is over, but every little bit helps. The remaining flags will need to be retrieved after the race ends. The "team" may also get to man a TA for a while in order to be in position to clean up a section as soon as it's free of racers.

A different set of "rules" will apply for this team. Use of vehicles, GPS, and splitting up will be permitted. The team members will also receive BAR10 pint glasses and race hats. Others may also join in after the race to help retrieve flags. There will be no penalties or a cutoff time, but we're hoping to have all flags retrieved by the end of the day on Sunday, Sep 19th.

If you're interested, please contact Don via
 Info at GoBushwhack dot com

Monday, July 19, 2010

Clues in a BAR Song

Lyrics adapted for the BAR10 -

Hang down your head, Tom Dooley
Hang down your head and cry
Hang down your head, Tom Dooley
Poor boy, you’re bound to die

I met BAR on the mountain,
where I took my bike
Met BAR on the mountain,
nearly took my life

Hang down your head, Tom Dooley
Hang down your head and cry
Hang down your head, Tom Dooley
Poor boy, you’re bound to die

This time tomorrow,
reckon where I’ll be
Hadn’t-a been for a u-turn,
I’d-a been in Tennessee

Hang down your head, Tom Dooley
Hang down your head and cry
Hang down your head, Tom Dooley
Poor boy, you’re bound to die

This time tomorrow,
reckon where I’ll be
Down in some lonesome valley
hangin’ from a white oak tree

Hang down your head, Tom Dooley
Hang down your head and cry
Hang down your head, Tom Dooley
Poor boy, you’re bound to die

We'll reveal the race Start/Finish location on Monday 7/26 at 10pm. Have you figured it out yet? We'll also open registration at that time.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Climb for You

With the Tour De France coverage catching our attention lately, the concept of categorizing climbs came up in race director conversation. Patrick ran some numbers and thinks we have a Category 1 climb on the BAR10 course, just for you! We'll put on a race someday in a locale with only one contour line, but not this time. I'll leave it up to you as to whether you want to look up the definition of a Category 1 climb, or whether you'll just deal with it when it's looking down it's nose at you.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Field notes

Greetings adventure racers!

Just wanted to tease you with a few thoughts after spending some time on the course last weekend. Those 30 miles of singletrack include some of the sweetest trail I've ever ridden! Sure, "sweet" is a very subjective adjective, but I have no doubt that you'll agree they are FUN! I'm torn between wanting you to ride it all vs letting you put your bushwhack nav skills to the test. You will also be torn between these options once you see it. Just to be fair, not all 30 miles are completely sweet, but it's not an exaggeration to say that at least 2/3's of it is! We're even looking at whether to have this section fall during the day or night, just to increase your ability to enjoy it more.

Last year's BAR suffered from a lack of water for part of the paddling. That was in contrast to last year's IPAR, which had a little more water than expected (understatement?). We think we've got a solution this time that will find the balance at Goldilocks' "just right" level.

Ok, so those hints account for about 50 miles of the 24 hour course. If our target is about 110 miles for the full course, where do the other 60+ miles come in? Trekking will certainly be in there. I'm not sure if I should count the miles that you'll be pushing your bikes as "trekking" or "biking". That could change the numbers a bit. I will tell you that the crippling muscle cramps I experienced last weekend ended up with me dropping the bike just to get off of it. Hopefully you'll come prepared with lots more training under your belt and we'll have much cooler temp's than upper 90's!!

More details to come soon!!


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Planning For BAR10 is Underway!

Bushwhack Adventures is bringing it's flagship 24 hour race back in 2010! This adventure race will be located in NC, but we're trying to get permission from the land managers before we announce where. Needless to say, we're looking to provide some great singletrack, interesting paddling, beautiful scenery, plenty of navigation options, and more. Check back for more details.