Gear List for Yuki-BAR

The following gear lists apply to the 2011 Yuki-BAR Adventure Race.
Required Individual Gear:

All individual team members must have the following at all times while racing:
* Compass
* Whistle

All individual team members must have the following while biking:
* Mountain bike (road bikes not permitted)
* Bike helmet, worn properly while biking
* White, front-mounted helmet or bar light (24 hour only)
* Red, rear-mounted light (24 hour only)

All individual team members must have the following while paddling:
* Type III PFD minimum, non-inflatable, worn properly while in the boat or in water more than knee deep
* Paddle (can be canoe or kayak paddle)
* Glow-stick attached to the outside of the PFD (24 hour only)
Required Team Gear:
All teams must carry the following at all times while racing:
* Digital camera in a waterproof container, for photographing checkpoint features for verification
* Working cellphone in a waterproof container, for emergency use only
* Pen or pencil
* UTM plotting tool (for plotting CP’s on race map)
* Waterproof map/passport container
* Emergency blanket
* Basic first aid kit (in case of arterial bleeding, comminuted bone fractures, etc) including:
.- four 4″x4″ compress bandages
.- one 3″ ace wrap bandage
.- one roll of 1″ waterproof medical tape

All teams must carry the following while biking:
* Bike repair kit (such as patch kit, tire levers, extra tubes, tools)
* Tire pump or CO2 inflator

All teams must have the following while paddling:
* Canoe(s) or kayak(s) (boats not are provided for racers) (expect rocks in the water)
* Bailer (bucket, cut-off milk jug, etc) or bilge pump
* Glow-sticks attached to the bow and stern of each boat on the team (24 hour only)

Recommended optional gear:
* Pack for carrying food, drink, required gear, etc for duration of course
* Extra batteries for lights (24 hour only)
* Rain jacket (not a poncho)
Race passports/instructions and course maps will be provided.


  1. It won't be the same without the ketchup packet.

  2. We stopped at two restaurants on the way to get that ketchup packet and you didn't even ask us for it!

  3. I like the gear list. Especially the first aid kit. In true AR form I will only stop for open fractures. Those who need to stop for application of neosporin need to think about triathlons instead of AR. Just sayin...

  4. Is this gear list more 'final' now? Do we need the glowsticks?

  5. Bring the glowsticks. We'll clarify at the briefing when/if you'll need to use them.
