Tuesday, August 31, 2010

BAR To Be Rescheduled

Thank you to all the racers who signed up to show your support of the Bushwhack Adventure Race, and those who shared with us your reasons for why you are not able to race on the Sep 18-19th dates. It's clear that the desire is there, but those dates just don't work for most. As a result, we're officially postponing the BAR. Those who registered will get their entry fees back shortly.

The Bushwhack Adventures crew will take some time in the next few weeks to review what we accomplished this year and start planning for 2011. As racers, if you have some feedback about what kind of events (short vs long) you'd like to see, or what months you'd you'd like to race in, or where you'd like to see races held, please let us know. You can email info@gobushwhack.com. We'll also try to get some polls posted online soon.

Thanks for racing!

Don Childrey
and the Bushwhack Adventures crew!


  1. That is a shame the race will be postponed. I rode the trails last weekend and they were some of the best anywhere!! Hopefully you can re-schedule a race for the same location next year...

  2. Hey Bushwhack! What's the word on the rescheduled race? I'm voting for April or early May and hope you have a 12 hour event scheduled. A good singletrack MTB course would be great as well. Thanks...
