Sunday, May 1, 2011

Yuki-BAR Results

Many thanks to the racers, volunteers, Camp Hanes staff, Yadkin Adventures staff, and Moore Springs trail caretakers who made the Yuki-BAR a success! We set out two demanding courses with plenty of adventure and challenge. We'd love to hear what the racers thought was the highlight of the course - please leave a comment below. Was it the zipline ride over the lake? Was it fording the Yadkin River with your bikes? Was it the view from the top of Pilot Mountain's Little Pinnacle? Was it the quick ride down a fast-flowing Yadkin? Was it the mid-race biscuits and coffee at the Rockford General Store?

The courses were designed as a series of Sections. Each Section featured a particular discipline. CP's in each Section could be punched in any order, but the Sections were to be done in order. A couple of teams added in another Section that involved a sit-down breakfast at CJ's Cafe in Pinnacle, NC. Total possible points were 2400 for the 24 hour course and 1200 for the 12 hour course.

The verified results are listed in the table below, and in these links to the details.

12 hour detail results spreadsheet
24 hour detail results spreadsheet

Thanks for racing!



  1. My tie for favorite CP: the creepy water wheel at the base of the dam, and power pole 18 on Sauratown Mtn. What a view of the King lights and stars above! It goes without saying that the biscuits were the ONLY reason I made it to the western edge of the course.

  2. Was wondering what the 24 teams saw that we didn't - got a taste of it from the comments above -- I know we didn't get to the top of Sauratown Mtn. The ropes course was fun and a good adrenaline rush to start the day. The river crossing was an interesting challenge for me. I'm curious how much time you would have let pass between the pre-crossing TA and the post-crossing TA before you started searching for us down river? Super course -- really well run race. Camp Hanes was a great venue and all the helpers and volunteers were fantastic.

  3. Some of those lights seen from power pole #18 were in downtown Winston-Salem!

    The 24's got to ride all the way east to the Moore's Springs singletrack trails, and all the way west to the Rockford General Store. The 12's got to see the river crossing - the 24's did it at night in the dark and fog so I'm not sure they saw much of it at all! We did drop a few CP's in the YMCA camp and Pilot Mtn from the 12hr course, but most of the middle section of the course was the same for both.

    Glad you enjoyed the event!
